Bio Safety Level Labs

Great strides in the medical and science fields come from great research. Research laboratories have become a significant part of our work here at BCH Mechanical, and understanding the needs associated with this type of specialized construction has become a matter of prime importance to us. Typical construction practices fail to meet the essential stringent requirements for these research facilities, which can be commercial and/or academic in nature.

BSL laboratories, or Bio Safety Level labs, are classified in four degrees, BSL 1-4. A layman’s overview of the different classifications is as follows:

Level 1: Standard work processes performed on well known substances.
Level 2: Similar substances as Level 1, but the level of personnel training is greater
Level 3: Substances that are considerably more dangerous, and personnel with specific training
Level 4: Highly dangerous and exotic agents and laboratory staff with extensive training

The work performed in these research facilities can often involve infectious microorganisms, so the environment must address the risks involved. Ventilation is of prime importance, with exhaust and supply tightly controlled to limit the risk of losing control of a dangerous airborne substance. In order to achieve this control in a safe and reliable system, specialized equipment like air valves, pressure monitors, and custom-built air handlers with 100% outside air capability, fan/wall technology and specialized filtration are employed. The challenge to make these systems energy efficient is also an important consideration and can involve the use of heat exchangers, heat wheels, heat pipes, and variable frequency drives. Even the ductwork utilized exceeds the norm with the use of ground and polished welded stainless steel and the degree to which the system is sealed.

With our extensive lab experience, we know we can budget, bid, and build these unique projects with confidence. If you are ever faced with a lab project, just call us – we’ll be ready.

BCH Mechanical has been a trusted name in Florida construction since 1976, delivering innovative design, high quality craftsmanship and excellent customer service. BCH capabilities include HVAC, plumbing, medical gas, piping, sheet metal, LEED, Design/Build, 3D-CAD/BIM coordination, and HVAC service. Visit BCH on the web: