South Polk County Jail Phases

South Polk County JailSouth Polk County Jail was a three phase expansion project, spanning four years. The full project consisted of a new central energy plant to feed the existing campus and new planned buildings.

Phase one was the construction of a central energy plant that would ultimately deliver chilled and hot water services to the full jail campus. The state-of-the-art CEP efficiently delivers 2,400 tons of chilled water flowing through three (3) 800-ton York centrifugal chillers with variable frequency drives and three (3) boilers to provide hot water high-efficiency distribution.

Phase two added two new buildings for housing inmates, a new kitchen, and service facilities to the existing campus.

Phase three included the connection of new chilled water piping to newly replaced equipment feeding the existing buildings. The 18” chilled water and 12” hot water mains distribute from the plant to the campus, and new buildings in the subsequent phases.

Peter R. Brown selected BCH Mechanical through an extensive interview process which included an equipment selection meeting with the Polk County Board of County Commissioners.

Project: South Polk County Jail Expansion–Three Phases
Location: Frostproof, FL
Contractor: Peter R. Brown
Contract Value: $16.5 million for all phases
Construction Type: Government

South Polk County Jail
South Polk County Jail Phases